28 September 2010

Worst Day

Just when I think that maybe I am too ok, I get a reality check!

I thought that pregnant ladies and babies were tolerable, but they just aren't yet.  I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, I just can NOT handle it right now.  I had a table this morning, 4 people.  I didn't see them until they were sitting down and everything was going fine.  Then I noticed the chick's shirt said "expecting."  Great.  Darling.  As if your adorable bump wasn't enough of an advertisement.  Sure enough, she gets up to go to the bathroom, and I notice the adorable bump.  Fine.  Pregnant lady, I can deal.  Except, I couldn't.  It was totally upsetting.  All I could think was, this chick is sitting here slamming coffee and she's fine (I can't help but wonder if my too much coffee habit, which I cut WAY back on, hurt my baby). 

THEN I get a table of 3 grown ups and a baby in a baby carrier.  Awesome. 

THEN I get a table of 4 people (3 girls, young, with an older man).  The man apologizes over one of the girl's hesitation about what drink to order, "Sorry, they're pregnant."  Don't wanna know.  Seriously.  Then they all go out to smoke (I don't know which he was referring to by "they," all of them? 2 of them? Dunno, just know they all went out for a cigarette).  I hate to be judgemental about that, as I do have NO room to talk, but seriously, I quit about a year back and wouldn't have thought about touching one while pregnant with Taylor.  Sometimes I even wonder if part of the reason I got pregnant was because I finally had kicked the habit (or, alternately, if part of the reason I didn't get pregnant for so long was because Ryan and I both smoked).  Again, freaking hurtful. 

I couldn't handle it.  A few smart-alecky customers later (including them, I hope they all end up waiting tables and have customers as ridiculous as they were, but, I digress...) and a couple of usually funny but not-funny -this-time comments had me in tears.  I was able to pull myself together fairly quickly.

But I really wanted to sit in the bathroom and cry for the rest of the afternoon. 

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